1. Learning about ICT 2. Learning with ICT 3. Learning through ICT I found that it is essential to apply these three approaches as we can understand better how to manipulate ICT in maximum level. Sometimes, we are too eager and too ambitious to integrate ICT in our classroom. Nevertheless, we are not equipped ourselves fully the knowledge of ICT. What I can say is as a teacher going to be, knowledge and readiness to apply ICT in the classroom are important. The principle should be mastered very well so that children can benefit the lesson vividly. The use of ICT in the classroom is essential especially its specialties to convey the limitation of our effort. For example, the previous assignment requirement that we have done before is we need to produce a video that the content cannot be delivered without using a video clip. Like scuba diving, it is quite difficult for teacher to demonstrate the action of scuba dive without integrate it with ICT. As humans have limitation to do thing, ICT is needed to help us in our teaching and learning process. However, we should remind ourselves to use it wisely and think again whether the lesson is better to use ICT or not. This is because we have to bear in mind that children in early stage of learning process are still in concrete stage. The relia is important to be applied n the lesson. So, as a teacher, the effectiveness of the lesson is depending on the teacher. Even though she uses latest technology and extraordinary relia but students cannot cope with it, it is no use at all. After Miss Chin has presented her presentation, Prof Maznah has something to say to us. It is regarding our SMARTboard assignment. She asks on our progression. Yet, she tells us about the Interactive Whiteboard by Tolley. This note is really important to us as it gives us idea and guideline on how to design very “SMART” and interactive activity. There are 12 guidelines that can be implemented in my assignment. As she presented in front, I am keep thinking how am I want to apply these guidelines as I do not know how to use it. But I know, our tutors are there to help me. I decide to try it first and if I am face with difficulties, I will approach them. She also stress on the use of learning theories in our activities. as the assignment is meant for children, we should think and consider their human being development. For instance, it is good to apply Behaviourism, cognitivism theories in the activities. For cogntivism theories, it can be applied by designing activities that make them engage actively in the lesson. So, as IWB offers this opportunity, I think I have to think deeper and start to plan interactive lesson.
~computer lab~
16 years ago
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